Santa’s Sweet Selection

Santa’s Sweet Selection


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The Perfect Gift for a Sweet Holiday!

Treat your loved ones to a gift that even Santa himself would approve of! Our “Santa’s Sweet Selection” gift basket is a delectable assortment of handpicked sweets and treats, designed to spread joy and indulgence this holiday season.

Inside, you’ll discover these scrumptious delights:

  • “Pirouline” Hazelnut Wafers:
  • “Everton Toffee” Butter Toffee Pretzels
  • “Mascot” Peanut Brittle
  • “Andea Chocolate” Sea Salted Caramel Gift Box
  • “Andea Chocolate” Milk Chocolate Covered Oreo Pop
  • “Cookie it Up” Chocolate Chip Naturally Made Shortbread Cookies
  • “Truffle Pig Chocolate” Direct Fair Trade Chocolate Truffles